3 Tweet Sunday - June 23, 2024
🏠 3 Tweet Sunday 🏠
I was already anti government, but these last few weeks have turned me into a full blown libertarian. I thought of an idea to subdivide a property. Idk if I can do that. I call the city thinking they can give me a quick yes or no answer. Of course they can’t. I walk into city hall. This place is locked down like Fort Knox. You have to walk through 5 policemen and a metal detector to get in. And you need an appointment. I schedule an appointment for the next day. Is subdivision of this property possible? I assume the city hall guy can give me a quick yes or no answer. That would be too easy. Keep in mind, I’m not changing anything physical on the property. We’re talking about imaginary lines. I’m told I have to pay $300, and the “fact finding” team should give me an answer. If they say yes, we move to the pre application meeting. That will be $1200. Preliminary meeting comes next at $2900.
My room mate tells me I should put an Airbnb in my backyard. Think 2 hipstery trailers. Great idea. Only to find out the city has strict regulations on what you can put in your backyard. Looks like it is back to city hall for me. I’m glad my tax dollars are being put to good use.
On a similar note, I hate how the Olympics are so political. A lot of the top Russian wrestlers have been banned from the Paris games. I don’t care about politics. I want to see the best athletes in the world compete. I always think about the 1980 US Olympic team. Imagine training your whole life for the Olympics. You finally make the team. And some old goofball politicians say you can’t go. Absolutely crazy.
Let’s get to it:
#1 🏠
This reminds me of the time I wanted to buy an island. I asked some friends, but got no takers. You might be thinking, how can you buy an island? Aren’t they expensive? This one is. But you can get an island off the coast of Canada for like $50k. Think about the possibilities. You can do a camping trip in the Summer. You can tell girls you own an island. It probably won’t make money, but it isn’t about that. It’s just cool. I’m in for $10k if anyone wants to buy one.
#2 🏠
I’ve been thinking of everything I can put in my backyard. Do people live in these types of cabins outside of an RV park? I’ll put 8 in my backyard if I can. Building an actual house or ADU seems way too costly.
#3 🏠
“What is it going to cost for me to give up my dreams of becoming an Olympic gold medalist?” he said. “We couldn’t put a number on it.” Epic line.
This is about mindset/vision, not real estate. But I think it’s related. Sometimes I think real estate is easy given enough time. If you buy 1 property every year for 20 years, you would be pretty well off. That seems doable to me. But it isn’t cool. It isn’t exciting. I’ve been unemployed for 1 year, and I really like it. I’m always thinking of ways I can coast to millions. That isn’t exciting. There is no vision there. It is a lot more exciting and motivating to live with a vision. Like raising millions to buy big apartments. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” Dumb quote, but I think there is a kernel of truth there.